Daniel Clark wrote:
> Alexandre Oliva wrote:
>> On Dec 15, 2009, Alexandre Oliva 
>> <lxoliva-3d8yaqt+vufytjvyw6y...@public.gmane.org> wrote:
>>> It is now time to announce and
>>> Corresponding gNewSense/mipsel (Lemote Yeeloong) [...]
>>> are underway.
>> They're now available from the apt repository at
>> deb http://linux-libre.fsfla.org/pub/linux-libre/lemote/gnewsense metad main
>> Once you set it up in sources.list, you'll be able to do:
>> # apt-get install linux-image- \
>>                   linux-image-
>> Now, beware: 2.6.32.* kernels require you to add machtype=8.9 in the
>> boot command line in order to deal with lemote yeeloong laptops
>> properly, as in, reporting battery, powering off, and probably more.
> FYI for me, the when combined with a backport of
> network-manager 0.7 -
> http://config.fsf.org/misc/yeeloong-n-m-backport.tgz - work well 100% of
> the time with both of the WPA access points I have access to at the
> moment. (Previously, one worked about half the time and the other not at
> all - lxo incidentally the novatel mifi works great now).
> Tonight I hope to test in the other environment I've seen yeeloong wifi
> suck, locations with a bunch of different APs with the same essid (such
> as college campuses).
> For network-manager 0.7, make sure that none of your external network
> interfaces (eth0, wlan0) are listed at all in your
> /etc/network/interfaces file - if they are, 0.7 will not manage them.
> The backport required no porting work, it's just compiled from the
> lenny-backports sources.
> If included in gnewsense (which I think it really needs to be, at least
> on mipsel), we'll want to verify / make sure that nothing other than the
> loopback interface gets stuck in /etc/network/interfaces on a clean install.
> Woo-hoo, working wifi! :-)

Seems to be some problems after coming back from hibernate (suspend is
fine, but then suspend doesn't seem to actually suspend all that much
judging from the fan still running). I'm investigating, but if others
have time tonight this would be a good thing to look at; I'm guessing
the pm scripts just need to be tweaked somehow.

Daniel JB Clark   | Sys Admin, Free Software Foundation
pobox.com/~dclark | http://www.fsf.org/about/staff#danny

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