On Fri, 04 Dec 2009 at 09:47:07 -0500 Daniel Clark wrote:

> If anyone has a mac mini powerpc (or perhaps some powerpc laptop) they'd
> like to donate we could probably fit it in at the FSF colocation
> facility (but I'd need to talk to people to confirm this would be cool).
> (Again don't know about compatibility).

I'd love to see gNewSense run on PowerPC!

A Mac Mini or laptop would probably not be imminently rack-mountable for
colocation purposes, though. I can get my hands on a PowerPC Apple Xserve
this February, and could also arrange to colocate it somewhere but if it
could be put into the FSF colocation facility that would be better, IMO.

Can you find out?

That would only leave manpower.

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