2010/1/27 Graziano <grazi...@gnu.org>:
> Quiliro Ordóñez ha scritto:
>> How stable is the beta? I'd love to see comments from beta's users. Thanks.
> I am using it since months.
> It's stable to me.
> I am using it on my yeeloong

Is that the one that is installed when you follow the instructions on
http://wiki.gnewsense.org/Projects/GNewSenseToMIPS ?

Quiliro Ordóñez
593(02)340 1517 / 593(09)821 8696

"¿Sólo cuando el último árbol esté muerto, el último río envenenado y
el último pez atrapado nos daremos cuenta que no se puede comer
"Only when the last tree is dead, the last river is poisoned and the
last fish is caught will we realize that money is not edible?"

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