On Mon, 26 Apr 2010 14:13:17 +0200
Imad-Eddine SRAIRI <i...@srairi.net> wrote:

> Hi,
> I had the same problem as Graziano: no reboot after installation - the
> system hung with the GNU+Freedo logo displayed at the top of an
> entirely empty, black screen.

Same kernel version?

> At this stage, I was aware that I had ignored several warnings of the
> installer urging me to define/configure a boot loader, but I did not

Thats allowed.

> know what to fill in (and where). I had not used all information found
> on
> http://wiki.gnewsense.org/Projects/gNewSenseToMIPS
> either, in particular things related to grub.

Naughty. What did you skip?

> So I restarted the computer and pressed del again, to get back to
> pmon.
> The commands listed in paragraph 5 of first section worked:
> <<
> devls
> dir (wd0,0)/boot
> >>
> and showed that files
> vmlinux-
> initrd.img-

Sounds like we need to include instructions for booting without a
splash screen, so we can see why its dieing.

> did exist in (wd0,0)/boot, so I typed commands listed in paragraph 6:
> <<
> load (wd0,0)/boot/vmlinux-
> initrd (wd0,0)/boot/initrd.img-
> g console=tty no_auto_cmd root=/dev/hda1 rootdelay=8
> >>
> replacing 31.6-libre1 by 32.9-libre-lemote.
> Actually I inserted this one before the third line:
> <<
> set al (wd0,0)/boot/vmlinux-
> >>
> which is also mentioned on the wiki.

Thats used to bypass grub.

This text on the wiki should be updated to point out that since it
boots grub by default, setting this variable will bypass it.

> The system restarted, went beyond the hanging point previously
> encountered, and started to check the disk. Errors were detected and
> corrected, so it spontaneously rebooted again. I thought I was done

It reboots after fsck, its not exactly spontaneous :)

> with it and let it go on without interfering, but it hung again. One
> more 'off+on+del' later, I was back in pmon and retyped the three
> lines quoted above. The system started and I was able to log in. I
> checked content of /boot/boot.cfg and /etc/default/grub and edited
> the latter like this:
> GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX="console=tty no_auto_cmd machtype=8.9"
> (I do not like the 'quiet' option, so I left
> GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT unchanged to "".)


> I ran 'update-grub2' (as root) (notice the '2' because this is what I

update-grub2 is a wrapper around update-grub, so they do the same work.

> found in /boot/boot.cfg: grub version 2) and restarted: everything
> seems to work now.

What changed in grubs config? thats what we need to know, since
update-grub won't be touching boot.cfg.

> Graziano, if you manage to confirm that the same steps work for you
> (there is nothing new here really wrt the wiki's current content,
> except maybe a few additional details), we could add these details on
> the wiki page to help future generations of metad-installer-wannabes
> like me... :-)

To whoever tries this next:
- Save /etc/grub/grub.d
- Save /etc/default/grub
- Save /boot/

* BEFORE* running update-grub.
The before and after is what tells us where to go next.

> Thanks,
> imad
> On Mon, 2010-04-26 at 19:26 +0930, Karl Goetz wrote:
> > On Sun, 25 Apr 2010 12:03:15 +0200
> > Graziano Sorbaioli <grazi...@gnu.org> wrote:
> > 
> > (no need for a cc, i read the list ;))
> > 
> > > Karl Goetz ha scritto:
> > > > hi all,
> > > > Sorry about the delay, but we should be able to install gNS on
> > > > yeeloong again.
> > > > 
> > > > If you have an error where you are unable to get a release file
> > > > from the mirror, reply back to this thread and let us know.
> > > > kk
> > > 
> > > 
> > > It hangs for me after installation has completed.
> > 
> > :(
> > Not that I was saying it would work, just install ;)
> > 
> > > When I reboot it shows grub then loads the first kernel (I
> > > installed using, it shows the GNU/Linux-libre
> > > 100%freedom logo and hangs there.
> > 
> > I've not tried with that kernel, so i cant comment on if it'll work.
> > 
> > We do have a lot of different kernels, all of which work in
> > different ways. would be nice to sort that mess out sometime.
> > kk
> > 

Karl Goetz, (Kamping_Kaiser / VK5FOSS)
Debian contributor / gNewSense Maintainer
No, I won't join your social networking group

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