On Wed, 28 Apr 2010 23:05:40 +0200, Sam Geeraerts <sam...@elmundolibre.be>
> Karl Goetz schreef:
>> On Mon, 26 Apr 2010 14:13:17 +0200
>> Imad-Eddine SRAIRI <i...@srairi.net> wrote:
>>> with it and let it go on without interfering, but it hung again. One
>>> more 'off+on+del' later, I was back in pmon and retyped the three
>>> lines quoted above. The system started and I was able to log in. I
>>> checked content of /boot/boot.cfg and /etc/default/grub and edited
>>> the latter like this:
>>> GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX="console=tty no_auto_cmd machtype=8.9"
>>> (I do not like the 'quiet' option, so I left
>>> GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT unchanged to "".)
>> right.
>>> I ran 'update-grub2' (as root) (notice the '2' because this is what I
>> update-grub2 is a wrapper around update-grub, so they do the same work.
>>> found in /boot/boot.cfg: grub version 2) and restarted: everything
>>> seems to work now.
>> What changed in grubs config? thats what we need to know, since
>> update-grub won't be touching boot.cfg.
>>> Graziano, if you manage to confirm that the same steps work for you
>>> (there is nothing new here really wrt the wiki's current content,
>>> except maybe a few additional details), we could add these details on
>>> the wiki page to help future generations of metad-installer-wannabes
>>> like me... :-)
>> To whoever tries this next:
>> - Save /etc/grub/grub.d
>> - Save /etc/default/grub
>> - Save /boot/
>> * BEFORE* running update-grub.
>> The before and after is what tells us where to go next.
> For lack of cooperation I did an install myself. That confirmed my 
> suspicions of missing boot parameters (installer proposes empty 
> GRUB_CMDLINE* values). This should have been fixed by rev. 1916 of 
> grub-yeeloong, but there's no package with that fix in the archive 
> (anymore?). The installer downloads 1.98~20091212-2 (rmh/byhand), which 
> is older than the fix.

Thank you for taking time to do a test installation.

Is there the possibility to backport the new package with the fix so that
users will find a working installation by default?


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