Dear developpers,

I found a freedom bug in xulrunner, which incitates the user to download Adobe flashplayer. I reported this bug at and now know how to fix it. I have to edit 'browser/app/profile/firefox.js' file in xulrunner source code, so that the link to mozilla's list of plugins is replaced by one pointing to gnuzilla's list of plugins. Gnuzilla's list incitates to install Gnash instead of Adobe flashplayer.

I would like to know the best option to proceed:
- apply a patch against this file and then create a new .deb to be uploaded to bzr repo,

We keep the source in bazaar, not the debs. You would do as follows:

1) apt-get source <package>
2) Make a bazaar branch out of it and commit it.
3) Apply the fix.
4) Build the package and test it.
5) Commit the fix.
6) Push the branch to Savannah.
7) Add it to the mrconfig source.
8) Upload the package(s) to (or ask someone who has access to do it).

- write a shell script with builder to make those changes.

Only DeltaH uses Builder. Does the bug also exist there?

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