On Tue, 22 Jun 2010 21:38:00 +0200
christophe.ja...@ouvaton.org wrote:

> > 1) apt-get source <package>
> Then:
> bzr add xulrunner-

Please leave the version out of the directory name - use the others as
an example :)

Remember while you are in the packages branch you are commiting to
package directory, not the xulrunner directory inside it.

> > 2) Make a bazaar branch out of it and commit it.
> How? Is this sufficient:
>   bzr branch xulrunner-  
> sftp://pi...@bzr.savannah.nongnu.org/srv/bzr/gnewsense/packages  
> --use-existing-dir

cd xulrunner
bzr add *
bzr ci -m "committing upstream package"

> > 3) Apply the fix.
> > 4) Build the package and test it.
> > 5) Commit the fix.
> > 6) Push the branch to Savannah.
> > 7) Add it to the mrconfig source.
> > 8) Upload the package(s) to archive.gnewsense.org (or ask someone
> > who has access to do it).

(i'm sure i've explained this several times, does anyone remember if it
was on irc or on the list? perhaps it needs to find its way onto the

Karl Goetz, (Kamping_Kaiser / VK5FOSS)
Debian contributor / gNewSense Maintainer
No, I won't join your social networking group

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