Hello folks! I'm running gnewsense on a lemote yeeloong (the white netbook). Quite a while ago I heard from Peter Brown from the FSF (and probably someone else at libreplanet) that people were working on the video driver to make video performance better. I think that video is the main bottleneck and the perforance is really poor, specially when scrolling a webpage, which is what I do the most on it (not only video playing). I'd like to know if there's any update on that. The most enlighting info I could find is here: http://gnu.org.ve/~octavio/lemote/doku.php?id=siliconmotiondriver.

happy hacking!


Rodrigo Rodrigues da Silva
GNU LibreDWG maintainer
FSF Associate Member #7788
PoliGNU - Grupo de Estudos de Software Livre da Poli/USP

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