Rodrigo Rodrigues da Silva schreef:
Hello folks! I'm running gnewsense on a lemote yeeloong (the white netbook). Quite a while ago I heard from Peter Brown from the FSF (and probably someone else at libreplanet) that people were working on the video driver to make video performance better. I think that video is the main bottleneck and the perforance is really poor, specially when scrolling a webpage, which is what I do the most on it (not only video playing). I'd like to know if there's any update on that. The most enlighting info I could find is here:

The people Peter mentioned was probably Bernie, but he had to discontinue his work on it. There are not many people who have the skills to work on this, so development is going slow. The driver won't be available in gNewSense for at least another few months probably. If you know anyone who can help, please ask them to do so.

By the way, scrolling in Epiphany is a lot better if you disable smooth scrolling in preferences.

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