Stayvoid wrote:
"It doesn't:
* build binary packages from source;
* patch (and rebuild) on the fly (like gNewSense's Builder);
* create installer images." [1]

Why didn't you implement these features? What did you mean by "on the
fly"? What did you mean by "installer images"?

Building can take a long time, needs resources and sometimes fails. That holds up updates that could have just passed otherwise (unmodified packages from Debian). It could be implemented to do the building in separate processes and on separate machines, but that adds a lot of complexity. I mostly wanted this tool so I could express relationships between suites and between suites and upstreams.

Those were redone last year.
The design looks outdated. That green thing is not necessary. Those
icons near the links are not necessary. There are some UX-problems
Have a look at
We need something similar. Something clean and simple.

Our website is all done in MoinMoin, so should rather compare to their wiki. I'm not sure what you mean by "that green thing" (e.g. bar on top, side bar, ...)?

I'm not sure about the way you write the distro's name. Lower-case g
irritates my eyes. It will be better to write it this way:
"Gnewsense." (It's not that hard to read. There is no need to use
upper-case for this purpose.)

It's always been "gNewSense".

The logo is not perfect too. I like the concept, but the
implementation is not good enough.

You should look at the logo for Parkes [1] instead of the current logo.

We could use more promotional material, though.
Any ideas?

This [3] is what we have now. We'll at least want some stuff with the new logo when we get closer to a release.

All other parts of the wiki are free to edit/translate by registered users.
Is it really necessary to use FirstnameLastname as a login? [2]

No, that's a MoinMoin suggestion.

IMO it'll be a good idea to make it available for unregistered users
too. It worked for Wikipedia.

I'd like to, but we already have a spam problem. I don't want to make it worse.


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