On Sun, 05 Feb 2012 23:24:08 +0100
Sam Geeraerts <sam...@elmundolibre.be> wrote:

> Stayvoid wrote:
> > "It doesn't:
> > * build binary packages from source;
> > * patch (and rebuild) on the fly (like gNewSense's Builder);
> > * create installer images." [1]
> > > Why didn't you implement these features? What did you mean by "on
> > > the
> > fly"? What did you mean by "installer images"?
> Building can take a long time, needs resources and sometimes fails.
> That holds up updates that could have just passed otherwise
> (unmodified packages from Debian). It could be implemented to do the
> building in separate processes and on separate machines, but that
> adds a lot of complexity. I mostly wanted this tool so I could
> express relationships between suites and between suites and upstreams.

I'll throw in another thing here: Leaving building to another tool
helps keep the unix 'one tool for one job'. There are already full
featured package builders out there, why write another incomplete one?
If we use (for example) rebuildd to do our package building it will
handle builds, failures, error reporting, stat generation and more. If
you want that information available to debderiver, 'simply' write some
interface code to read rebuildds email or connect to its telnet server
and query it. (Even this might be more integration then sam is after,
I'm just mentioning it as an example).

> >> All other parts of the wiki are free to edit/translate by
> >> registered users.
> > Is it really necessary to use FirstnameLastname as a login? [2]
> No, that's a MoinMoin suggestion.

I'll investigate if its feasible to remove this suggestion, but it
appears to be hard coded into the source.

Karl Goetz, (Kamping_Kaiser / VK7FOSS)
No, I won't join your social networking group

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