Ideally, gNewSense would have all GNU software included, and
educational software is particularly interesting. Due to lack of
manpower we haven't reached that goal yet. The best way to get a
package into gNewSense is to get it into Debian. Alternatively, you can
report your request as a wishlist bug and hope someone will pick it up.

I contacted Debian earlier this year and made a RFP:


From the informal feedback I got, I'm not persuaded that certain of your Debian colleagues value freedom - in the broader sense of the word. There is more going on here than meets the eye.

C-Graph is a one-man show with much development on the drawing board. I'd rather spend my time hacking than quibbling with Debs who feel that not everyone is entitled to freedom.

Interest in the package should also be associated with demand. If gNewSense are interested you are likely to get a better response by making the request to Debian directly. I hope you do, and that you find that GNU C-Graph is a valuable addition to gNewSense. Thank you,


Freedom - no pane, all gaiGN!

Maintainer, GNU C-Graph -
Code Art Now -
Caprica Law -
Follow me on Twitter @AdrienneGT @GnuCgraph

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