I was addressing Hugh, actually... I mean, he has the _other_ resources, so
I offered the net location.

Sorry I used the main list? :)

On Wed, Oct 2, 2013 at 3:27 AM, Karl Goetz <k...@kgoetz.id.au> wrote:

> On Tue Oct   1 22:42:32 2013 Irving Rivas <axel.ri...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > I can provide a 5 bucker from https://www.digitalocean.com/ ; would that
> > be enough?
> > It's 20 GB storage, 512MB RAM and 1TB monthly transfer.
> I would expect it is plenty of transfer and the other stats do not matter
> unless it is being used to build stuff as well.
> > I'd like to (also) host some personal stuff on the server (a working
> > xampp stack with two or three sites), nothing space nor traffic
> > intensive, but I'm not the best sysadmin ever, so... I'd need someone to
> > administrate and help me move the sites from where I have them now
> > (another VPS) to this one.
> Perhaps ask around on irc, or contact people directly - its not something
> this project can offer :)
> thanks,
> kk

Irving Axel Rivas
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