Also Sam first I must say many thanks for you answer. I have really
appreciated it.

> The builder_lordeddie branch has the most recent work. @eddi: if that's
> not true, please speak up.

Yes Rhys McBurnie (sir123) has me explained.

But to install the builder and configure all

I must only type:    --------Checkout builder

 bzr branch

and than

 cd builder


Step 3: Configuration?


Step 4: Debmirror?

Step 5: Packages?

Step 6: Setting up $REPODST?

Step 7: Generate the repository?

tep 8: Generate the LiveCD


The created image will be placed in


Step 9: Push your repository to a mirror and publicise

You can now publish your repository (the dists and pool) directories
as well as your LiveCD to your mirror and publicise your new
distribution to the world.


Because I have not the further informations from the official webite.
There only the instructions about the old script.

> Great. Read access to the code is open to all, so anyone can study the
> code, obviously a prerequisite to contribute patches. Questions and
> patches can be sent to the -dev mailing list, which is open to all. (I
> know that responsiveness is an issue, see further.) You can also apply
> for membership on Savannah. I was once hesitant to approve, because
> Savannah has no way to limit write access to VCS. I'm more lenient now,
> commits should be double checked anyhow.

That's important yes. Step to step all is possible. Now i want
understand all to contribute with you.
If there are many info not clear I ask again. It's not problem.

> I don't give access to the servers easily. I hope you agree that needs
> a high level of trust.

It's important to offer the trust for the new members. And than we can
work togheter. But the first is to see all tools to work togheter :)

> I still think the problem is not with Moinmoin itself. I'd like to take
> a different approach to tackle the issue. There are currently 24955
> pages and 43272 users in the wiki. I'd first like to get rid of all
> users who have never edited anything. If there's not already a script
> that does that, it will have to be written.

The website is slow. It's need to run to wait more minutes. Moinmoin
it's a beautiful cms but I think that the first problem can be from
the query, maybe this server has not more power and I have wrote my
opinion that drupal or wordpress there are the really nice alternative
for an small server. Maybe I can help with this problem too. But we
must see step by step.

> I think nobody's actively translating now.

That's bad without the volunteers to translate. We must search the new
translators, It's really important.

> I'm not sure what being more distributed would mean for the project.
> [1]

I have done the request for inclusion :)  ------------)) GREMO (Mike)

Thanks in advance

Mike (GREMO) from Green Monster Games

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