On Saturday 22. April 2017 21.05.11 Paul Boddie wrote:
> I'll put a shell script together that should support pruning users from the
> wiki. I did this for another wiki, but I don't think I have access to the
> script any more.

Well, I rediscovered how to get access to the script and modified it to be 
somewhat more general. It is attached to this message.

It's probably best to run it in an empty directory because it produces various 
report files to indicate what it has discovered about wiki users. There is an 
option that can then be used to move "bad" users out of the users directory. 
The Moin documentation suggests that cached information may also need 
updating, but the script doesn't do anything about that at present.

If you try running it, please let me know what it manages to do.


Attachment: user_status.sh
Description: application/shellscript

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