On 2/2/10, Paul O'Malley - gnu's not unix - <omp...@eircom.net> wrote:
> I appear to have offended some people yesterday, for this I say sorry,
> please read on and I will try to give the same message without the rant.
> I did lash out pretty hard yesterday, the reason is that in the past
> people have come into the gNewSense space and whipped up a "lets do
> this" and left it there.
> This is bad for all involved and those who are running the project have
> a lot to carry. Allow me use a Gaelic phrase.
> "Is trom Cearc i bhfad."
> (Gealic) Translation: "A hen is heavy over a long distance."
> In other words what looks like something simple is quite a commitment
> over time. So while starting it up and getting a release out the door is
> not bad, please be aware that the maintaniace of many single changes
> increases the problems faced by the project.
> When Brian and I started out we had a singular objective.
> Even if we did not get far to make every step repeatable.
> The more single changes have to be managed the greater the gap from the
> original source becomes.
> In the end with enough managed changes you would be better with your own
>   tree. However that would need about 5 or 6 full time people or at
> least people who put a lot of effort into it.
> Pointing at Slackware would be a mistake Patrick has done a huge job but
> he is at it full time and does not do multi arch (at least as far as I
> know).
> So what have you got.
> For every change that takes place there is obviously some issue upstream.
> For every change that takes place when you rebuild the system you have
> to debug new or altered versions of these packages.
> For every change that takes place you don't want regression of a freedom
> bug.
> So perhaps this more than the last rant which was an explosion based on
> what I saw as "here we go again" (and perhaps incorrectly), can explain
> why I say, if you want to run something as vast as a different arch then
> you really need to get familiar with that arch to see how its upstream
> would cope.
> Hope this helps a bit.
> P.
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