> I use gNewSense on the Lemote Yeeloong and it seems to me that the newer 
> kernel
> 2.6.37 uses more CPU time than and some videos now display slower 
> than
> before.

It's a problem only for videos?  I never had good video playing results
on gNewSense mipsel.

> No, I tried this already and it does not resolve the problem. I think the
> problem is more related to the upgrade process.

Your /etc/fstab in the first message was for 2.6.37 and you used
different one for

The same filesystems worked with before the upgrade?

> So another question: how is that possible for Linux-libre to mount my 
> /dev/sda1
> as / and not my /dev/sda2 as /home?

It's not done by Linux-libre, but by some scripts in userspace.  When I
had this problem, renaming devices in /etc/fstab was enough to solve it.

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