Christophe Jarry wrote:
    root      1636     1  1636  1636  0 Jul14 ?        00:00:01 runsvdir -P
/etc/service log: ..............................................................

"apt-cache search runsv" lists socklog. According to that package's description it can replace syslogd. I don't know how it works or where it logs. If you have it installed, try removing it and reinstalling rsyslog.

See if the command "logger hello" adds something to the log.

It does add nothing to "/var/log/messages".

Confirming again that (r)syslogd is not running.

Check permissions on /var/log/messages.

$ ls -l /var/log/messages
-rw-r----- 1 root adm 2159938 Dec 13  2010 /var/log/messages

Is it normal that "/var/log/messages" is writable only by "root"?

rsyslogd runs as root, so yes.

Check /etc/rsyslog.conf.

I attached the file to this mail. I see nothing wrong in it, but I'm not an

Looks much the same as on my system.

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