On Tue, 2014-02-18 at 11:02 -0500, Felipe López wrote:
> 2014-02-18 10:48 GMT-05:00 kpb <k...@sohcahtoa.org.uk>:
>         @Sam, I'll request an account and modify the wiki page with
>         instructions
>         for compiling Icecat 17.0.1.
> That would be nice. If you do, please add the updated page to the
> "Miscellaneous Guides" section in the documentation for gNewSense 3.x
> [1].
> [1] http://gnewsense.org/Documentation/3

Hello Felipe and all

I can log in to the gNewSense wiki but am not allowed to upload or edit

Below  between the rows of + signs is the mark up for a modified page
about compiling Icecat. The stuff about Gnash can be left out as the
compiled Icecat picks up the existing Gnash plug-in.

#PRAGMA title How to compile GNU IceCat 17.0.1 from source


[[http://www.gnu.org/software/gnuzilla/|Gnuzilla GNU IceCat]] is the
free software version of the Mozilla Firefox web browser. However,
gNewSense 3.1 doesn't come with GNU !IceCat 17.0.1 and it's not possible
to simply install it from software repositories. GNU !IceCat has a
richer set of features than the default Web brower
[[http://projects.gnome.org/epiphany/|Epiphany]]) and is considerably
more recent than the version of Iceweasel packaged for gNewSense 3.1.
Icecat 24.0 cannot easily be compiled on gNewSense 3.1 because of the
age of some of the shared libraries in gNewSense 3.

All instructions refer to a plain and fresh gNewSense installation,
which should grant the reproducibility as long as the hardware meets the
minimum requirements for each step and finally the program run.

= Prerequisites =
To avoid the need to resolve a lot dependencies manually, a general
patch update should be made with

 sudo apt-get update
 sudo apt-get upgrade

as appropriate followed by a reboot of the system.

= GNU IceCat 17.0.1 =
The next step is to obtain the GNU !IceCat source code files. Download
the package
icecat-17.0.1.tar.gz]] from the [[http://www.gnu.org/software/gnuzilla/|
GNUzilla]] project. Simply decompress the package with

 tar -zxf icecat-17.0.1.tar.gz

In order to get `./configure` of !IceCat statisfied, further
dependencies have to be resolved:

 sudo apt-get install libgtk2.0-dev
 sudo apt-get install libnotify-dev
 sudo apt-get install libasound2-dev
 sudo apt-get install libiw-dev
 sudo apt-get install libxt-dev
 sudo apt-get install mesa-common-dev

Only one dependency is still left - the Yasm Modular assembler. It can't
get resolved by `apt-get install yasm` because the version in the
repository is 0.8.0 where the !IceCat build system requires at least
1.0.1. So download
yasm-1.2.0.tar.gz]] from the [[http://yasm.tortall.net/|Yasm]] project
page and compile/install it by

 tar -xzf yasm-1.2.0.tar.gz
 cd yasm-1.2.0
 ./configure -prefix=/usr
 sudo make install
 cd ..

After having all preparations in place, !IceCat should finally
compile/install successfully:

 cd icecat-17.0.1
 ./configure -prefix=/usr
 chmod +x ./build/unix/run-icecat.sh
 sudo make install
 cd ..

The steps above will take some time (around 45 minutes on a Core Duo 2
laptop) and require approximately 3Gb of hard drive space

!IceCat should now come up when invoked by `icecat &` on the terminal.

If all goes according to plan, Icecat should find the Gnash flash player
and other plug-ins used with the existing Iceweasel profile. You will
have to import existing bookmarks and reinstall fully-libre plugins.

You can make a menu entry for Icecat by right clicking the Gnome Main
Menu, selecting Edit Menus and making a New Item. The command field of
the New Item dialog box should be 'icecat'. 

You can also add a custom launcher to the Gnome Panel by right clicking
over the panel, selecting Add to Panel... and clicking Custom Launcher.
Again the command field should be 'icecat'.

An Icecat icon is available for download from the
[[http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Icecat1-300x300.svg|Wikipedia page]]

Keith Burnett

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