Who:    MonadLUG
 What:   Backups
 Date:   Monday November 14, 2011
 Time:   7:00PM
 Where:  SAU 1 offices, 106 Hancock Road, Peterborough, NH
 Directions: http://wiki.gnhlug.org/twiki2/bin/view/Www/DirectionsToMonadlug
 This will be our first meeting on our new bi-monthly schedule, held on the
 second Monday of odd numbered months (excepting July).
 We will be discussing backups this month, so bring your input, favorite 
 war stories, etc.
 Ken will do a demonstration of clonezilla <http://clonezilla.org>, and Charlie 
will do a 
 brief "Man Page of the Month" type overview of rsync <http://rsync.samba.org>.
 Charlie Farinella
gnhlug-announce mailing list

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