Interestingly, the short term solutions, cooking the books, laying off most
of the workforce etc.. often have very negative long-term consequences. I
believe there have been recent Wall Street research that concludes that
companies that lay off employees tend to be 'also rans' after a few years. I
always admired the old HP's stance of having their employees volunteer to
take a pay cut with the expectation that the rewards would be there when
things turned around. This probably doesn't matter when a disruptive
technology is in progress but it seems to me that the real assets of most
high tech  companies are there employees. I suspect once a company has
outsourced most of it's employees, there isn't much left in real terms. They
would be very vulnerable to pressure from the very people that they
outsourced to.


P.S. Dell is an interesting example of a company with an inovative
financial/business model but otherwise commodity products.

----- Original Message -----
From: "Jerry Feldman" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Greater New Hampshire LUG" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Tuesday, August 13, 2002 2:13 PM
Subject: Re: Are American high tech workers obsolete?

> I don't think so.
> The Board of Directors are looking at essentially growth in the value of
> their respective investments (not their personal, but the constituency
> represent). They hire a management team to do this.
> Take a producer of commodity goods, like PCs. Your margin is shriking. You
> must (1)increase volume, (2) cut costs. At the same time, customers are
> very loyal. Why would a customer buy otherwise identical systems from
> Compaq, Dell or Gateway, Much of that is consumer marketing. Right now,
> Dell has a successful marketing edge. In any case, the CEO must cut both
> costs and increase revenue in the short run. If support can be moved
> offshore at a significant cost savings without any reduction of service,
> will happen. The same for software development.
> Another cost that gets reduced is R&D. Cutting R&D normally helps short-
> term profits and hurts the long term viability of a high tech company.
> On 13 Aug 2002 at 13:31, Paul Iadonisi wrote:
> >   And herein lies the stupidity, arrogance, and ignorance of most US
> > businesspeople.  This is an INCREDIBLY short sighted point of view.  I'm
> > with the CEO of Chick-Fil-A: People and Principles before profits.  The
> > profits will come when you have a satisfied workforce that will gladly
> > devote themselves to your company.  Many other factors must be in place,
> > of course, but this is paramount.
> --
> Jerry Feldman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Associate Director
> Boston Linux and Unix user group
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