> Well, you certainly shouldn't say 'no thanks'!  That panel takes an
> analog input, so it shouldn't be difficult to get it to work.

Holdonaminute.  Time for me to go on a rant: I _love_ LCD panels.

When they're in digital mode.

IMHO, an LCD panel being driven with an anlog signal is worse than a CRT
-- frequently, I've even heard people say things like, "I've seen LCD
panels, and their output isn't all that good."  It's clear that they
haven't seen a digital LCD panel, then.  While everything that Mike said
is true, I'd only seriously consider getting it if it also has a DVI port.
You don't need to set it up now, but, if and when you do, it'll be a
night-and-day difference.  Otherwise, if it doesn't, might I recommend
checking out how it looks vs. your current CRT, and see which you really
prefer.  Obviusly, an LCD panel has a higher geek factor, which is always
attractive, but I wouldn't do it based on that alone when the actual stuff
being displayed looks worse.



> >   2. what parameters I'll need for the xconfig routine so I
> >      don't blow it up   ;)
> The specs that I can find for that monitor indicate that it maxes
> out at 1280x1024, with a max vsync of 85 Hz and a max hsync of 92 kHz.
> That should be all the information xf86config needs to set up the monitor.
> - --
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