On Wed, 4 Sep 2002 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> In a message dated: Wed, 04 Sep 2002 07:14:31 PDT
> Ken Ambrose said:
> >How do I get logged in to a remote host, via ssh, w/o password prompting,
> >a la the rhosts file?  I can do it with SSH v1, but v2 seems to give me
> >some problems.  I've plugged the public key into the authorized_keys file,
> >but no dice.  Any suggestions?
> I think v2 forces use of the v2 protocol over the v1 protocol.  You 
> can create a ~/.ssh/config file which specifies 'Protocol 1,2'.
> But that's relatively insecure.
> The better way to do it is to create v2 keys using 'ssh-keygen -t dsa'.
> You can then place your new v2/dsa key into authorized_keys.

In the case of ssh2 I think the file is called authorized_keys2. At least 
it is on my system.


Rich Payne

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