There are a few LDAP to web packages out there.  You definitely want 
LDAP for this kind of thing.  FWIW I've used Netscape's system (back 
when Netscape was its own company).  It worked well but I imagine there 
are free systems that are just as good.  Sorry I don't have specifics.

>Hello list,
>  I am looking at web-based interfaces to company directories (address
>books), for a customer who is interested in such things.  I'm trying the
>usual suspects (Google, Freshmeat), but I'm curious as to if anyone here has
>any opinions.  LDAP functionality is a plus (as that way it can tie to mail
>clients and such).
>  One thing I found which looks interesting is Webo (Web Organizer).  It
>appears to be aiming to be MS-Outlook-on-the-web.  It also appears to be not
>quite ready for prime time yet, but the screenshots look cool.  ;-)  It has,
>I think, the potential to be quite popular.  Here is a link, for those who
>are curious:
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Tom Buskey

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