> I consider myself to be pretty good at this too.

    Well, with an attitude like that, it's about time you were taken down a 
notch or two. :-)

> new gcc; so bad that I can barely figure out what's going on. And the 
> Bluecurve thing? I'm having a hard time trying to figure out just how dumb 
> you have to be to like it. Push the browser button and you get mozilla, 
> but there's nothing to tell you that you'd get mozilla if you push it. :-(

    Remember, this is rev 1.0 of Bluecurve.

    I've got mixed feelings on this.  I can see the point for newbies of 
having a menu entry that clearly says "Web browser" instead of expecting 
people to remember the individual package names.

    But if you're going to go that route, you should limit the user's choices 
-- and no one seems to want to do that.  It surprises me, because one distro 
I've seen it done in, Lycoris, it seems to work well.  There you don't get a 
choice of 5 similar programs, or even a choice of 2.  There's something to be 
said for that attitude if your goal is to limit users.

    But in a typical "kitchen sink" distro -- which includes Red Hat, 
Mandrake, Debian, etc. -- you can't give a generic name "e-mail program" and 
expect it to work out.  A far better option would be to list on the menus 
something like:

......Web browsers
......E-Mail programs

    However, the distros seem to dislike such logic. :-)  While I haven't 
played with RH8, in Mandrake 9, like many others I've seen, the desktop menus 
are just a mess...

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