Today, NetSol is keeping the old NIC handles in their WHOIS database for
now, but they are dumping the old email-based interface for a web-based
interface, and authentication is done with account numbers and passwords,
rather than handles and PGP keys.  The transition to the new system has made
a mess of things for some people (no surprise there).
Hmm. That seems rather dumb if you ask me. Passwords make a great access mechanism, but a lousy security mechanism. PKC would be much better for guaranteeing that someone is who they claim to be.

On the topic at hand, I use easyDNS, as a previous poster mentioned. They don't have an email interface, but you create an account with a login name and all of your domains are accessible for that account. You need only change your contact information once.

WHOIS information, however, seems to be kept separate from the account info. I recently had to change the WHOIS on my 3 domains and I had to do it once for each domain. Not a big deal with 3 domains. If you have fifty, I could see it being a pain.

Maybe we shoud start our own registration service?

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