[please configure your email program to wrap lines at around 72
 characters -- thanks...]

> What exactly happens when you source a script (as opposed to executing it)?

The current shell runs the script instead of fork()-ing a new shell to
run it instead.

> What I'm doing is using the PROMPT_COMMAND variable to execute the shell [BAD WRAP]
> The problem is that this seems to only work at the moment Ire-source .bashrc [BAD 
> I suppose I need to escape the value of PROMPT_COMMAND so that it is not [BAD WRAP]


   PROMPT_COMMAND='pwd | perl -ne "chomp; print substr(\$_, 0, 30);"'

what you want?


Kevin D. Clark / Cetacean Networks / Portsmouth, N.H. (USA)
cetaceannetworks.com!kclark (GnuPG ID: B280F24E)

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