> -----Original Message-----
> From: Price, Erik 
> Sent: Friday, November 08, 2002 12:54 PM
> Cc: GNHLUG mailing list
> Subject: RE: making vars in bash script accessible from shell 
> > -----Original Message-----
> > From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:pll@;lanminds.com]
> > Sent: Friday, November 08, 2002 12:27 PM
> > To: Price, Erik
> > Cc: Derek Martin; GNHLUG mailing list
> > Subject: Re: making vars in bash script accessible from shell 
> > 
> > My wife switched to Opera on Windows a long while ago and hasn't 
> > looked back since.
> I didn't know Opera had a mail client.
> > Unfortunately, though, if you're on an Exchange 
> > server, the only way to use anything other than Outlook is 
> if they've 
> > enabled POP3 access on the Exchange server. (don't even *think*
> > about IMAP!  Exchange's IMAP server is horrendously and 
> > hopelessly broken).
> > 
> > OTOH, if they do enable POP3 access for you, you can now use 
> > fetchmail under Linux/UNIX, and any real mail client your heart 
> > desires :)
> I will inquire about POP3.  That would be ideal.  I've been
> meaning to try this alternate Xserver called xserver-3dlabs, 
> to see if it supports my video card.  (If you remember my post 
> about a cheap video card from a few weeks ago, the idea was 
> canned by my boss -- this company keeps a database of the 
> hardware configuration in each machine and so I was discouraged 
> from doing anything like that.)

Of course, I never quite finished what I meant to say here
(you're probably wondering why I brought up the Xserver in the
first place ... "okay, that's nice to know").

I meant to say that if I can access email from a Linux mail client
and if I can get an Xserver up and running then I will be able to
do the majority of my work from the Linux partition!  I would love
that.  But I need to run certain GUI Java apps to do my job (and
there are some that I will still need to boot into Windows for).

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