In a message dated: Thu, 14 Nov 2002 16:02:30 EST
mike ledoux said:

>On Thu, Nov 14, 2002 at 03:57:29PM -0500, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
>> Well yes, but when you're editing several different files at the same 
>> time, it's very convenient to have different emacs buffers with 
>> several different files opened in order to be able to quickly and 
>> easily cut'n'paste between the files without using the mouse.
>vi can do that.  I use multiple buffers in vi all the time.  With Vim,
>you can even make multiple buffers visible at the same time.

Right, I knew that, but what I'm referring to is that some of those 
multiple buffers are actually files located on remote machines.
IOW, rather than:
        - scp'ing a bunch of files from several different 
          machines to say /tmp,
        - opening them all up into different buffers, 
        - editing them,
        - saving them,
        - then scp'ing them all back to the right systems.

I can simply open "a bunch of files" regardless of whether they're 
local or not from within Emacs, edit them to my hearts content, then 
save them.  I basically eliminate steps 1 and 5 above.  Additionally, 
if those files are under revision control on the remote machines, I 
can check them out from within emacs as well.

(granted, I don't do this often, and more times than not, I ssh to 
the remote machine, co the file from RCS, vi it, etc.)

>> You mean the rectangle thingy?  I've not seen it anywhere else but in 
>> emacsen.
>Not being an emacs guy, I'm not certain that this is the same thing,
>but Vim has a 'Visual' mode that allows you to to block selections with
>a highlighting rectangle.  

I don't know about the Visual mode.  The rectangle thing with emacs 
lets me do things like this; say I have a hosts table: hosta hostb hostc

I can 'cut out' any given rectangle as defined by 2 corners.  So, for 
instance, say I want to make this into a DNS file where I only need 
the last octet of the IP, I can define the 'upper-left' corner to be 
'1' and the 'lower-right' corner to be the '.' between the 3.3 and 
remove that rectangle leaving me with:

        1 hosta
        2 hostb
        3 hostc

I can then define another rectangle to by the upper-left corner
being the 'h' of hosta and the lower-right corner being the 'c' of 
hostc.  Then I can cut that rectangle, move my cursor to be on the 
'1', and yank that rectangle and I end up with:

        hosta 1
        hostb 2
        hostc 3

It's really hard to explain this feature via e-mail, you really need 
to see it in action.

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