On Thu, Nov 14, 2002 at 05:14:40PM -0500, Kevin D. Clark wrote:
> This message isn't intended to start an emacs vs. vi flamewar --
> really, I'm just looking to understand how other people using
> different editors handle these situations.
> Emacs has a scheme for handling compilation of programs.  I can type
> (something like) M-x compile and the compilation will be run under
> my Emacs process.  If there's a compilation error, I can type a few
> keystrokes and Emacs will bring me to the exact source file and line
> number where the compilation failed (even if the file wasn't
> previously loaded into Emacs).
> Out of curiosity, does VIM do anything like this?

using :make

This will run make and if you have error(s) in your code you can move
through those using vim.

> Emacs has a general scheme for auto-completing keywords.  Let's say
> that I have three files loaded into Emacs, two locally and one
> remotely (via a ssh connection, for example).  Let's say that the file
> on the remote machine happens to contain the word
> "supercalifragilisticexpeialidocious".  Let's say that I am currently
> editing one of the local files.  By pressing a tiny few keys, I've got
> my emacs setup so I can just type "sup M-/" and
> "supercalifragilisticexpeialidocious" will magically appear (because
> it is a potential completion).
> Out of curiosity, does VIM do anything like this?

Yeah, if I do:

:e mai<tab> will do the completion.
> My Emacs setup is integrated with my source control system -- I can
> check in and check out files without leaving my editor, as well as
> checkin files in bulk.
> Out of curiosity, does VIM do anything like this?

There are plugins for vim do this.
> Suppose I decide that this looks horrible, and I want to clean this
> up.  In Emacs I can type a few keys and transmorgify things thusly:
> \begin{table}
> \begin{center}
> \begin{tabular}{|l|l|r|r|} \hline
> Matrix Size & & System1 & System2 \\ \hline
> 512x512 \\ \hline
>  & Serial   & 7.195          & 6.210  \\ \hline
>  & 2 nodes  & 5.622 (5.639*) & 3.300  \\ \hline
>  & 4 nodes  & 8.481*         & 3.930  \\ \hline
>  & 8 nodes  & 15.399*        & 2.34   \\ \hline
>  & 16 nodes & 44.017*        & 0.77   \\ \hline
>  1024x1024 \\ \hline
>  & Serial   & 62.466         & 65.620 \\ \hline
>  & 2 nodes  & 40.017*        & 33.450 \\ \hline
>  & 4 nodes  & 22.202*        & 17.430 \\ \hline
>  & 8 nodes  & 10.788*        & 9.550  \\ \hline
>  & 16 nodes & 84.652##       & 5.360  \\ \hline
> \end{tabular}
> \caption{Foo Timings}
> \label{foo_tab}
> \end{center}
> \end{table}
> Out of curiosity, does VIM do anything like this?
> Suppose I have cut and pasted 5 paragraphs from somewhere else, and
> all of the lines are >80 characters in length.  I can easily instruct
> Emacs to just "fill" these paragraphs and wrap all of the lines
> properly.
> Out of curiosity, does VIM do anything like this?

I'm not sure how to do these two things.

Steven Knight                   #include <standard_disclaimer.h>        
[EMAIL PROTECTED]           IM : skkataim

This was but a prelude; where books are burnt human-beings will be burnt in the end.
                --Heinrich Heine, 1820
Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it.
There are 10 types of people: those that understand binary and those who do not.
        -- unknown
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