On Thu, 16 Jan 2003 16:22:50 -0500

> I'm pretty sure it goes in a .profile (or etc.).  I've not used 
> Cygwin extensively, but it seemed that when you were operating in the 
> Cygwin environment, you were effectively in a real UNIX-like 
> environment, and things behaved "properly", i.e. not like Windows.
One of my students downloaded cygwin in class tonight, and I had a
chance to play with it after class. He wanted to know where the C
compiler was. After looking at the setup program, most of my questions
were answered. The last timne I downloaded Cygwin, it did not have X
support and you did not have a choice of what you downloaded. On the
current version you get to chose the packages. My question about the
PATH variable is answered. 

Another issue is that the Unix server at Northeastern is going away in
the spring, and the school is pondering how to teach Unix. While I would
prefer a dual boot (or VMWare) solution with Windows and Linux, Cygwin
appears to be a pretty decent solution if you can't have a real Unix
system, and a good solution for students who only have Windows on their
home computers. 

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