Casey, Jon, et. al.,

This past Fall I recall speaking with colleague who happens to be
a member of  a Portsmouth school system steering commitee and
his potential interest in introducing the open source concept there. I would
like to invite him discussions/presentations as well.


Jon Hall wrote:


I have given talks to various chambers of commerce and school boards regarding
the use of Linux in education. My talks show that Linux and Open Source
not only save money, but lead to a better and more vibrant learning experience.

I would be happy to give such a talk at a local meeting (Rotary, School board
meeting, chamber of commerce) if you could give me the proper contact names.

Even though the site plan has not been drawn up, it might be a good time to
broach the issue with them, to start them down the path of Open Source.
Investigating the software they will need can be a parallel project to that of
laying mortar. I think that locating all the software and putting together
a software map might be an interesting (and fun) project for gnhlug, but I can
not speak for the rest of the group.

If you want me to speak in Exeter, I travel quite a bit, so we will have to
coordinate dates closely.

Warmest regards,


P.S. I estimate the worth of my college education, ammortized over my (so
far) thirty years of work experience, to be approximately two million dollars.
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