On Thu, 13 Feb 2003, at 4:11pm, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> My son who is working at an unamed, but major health care institution in
> boston has a desparate need to extract all instances of the following four
> text strings in a 6 meg file:
> po=
> to=
> delay=
> dsn=4

        grep -E '(po=|to=|delay=|dsn=4)' filename

  The above command assumes a given instance of one of the strings in
question is always on a single text line, and not spread over multiple

> It is an urgent issue as the SQL slammer just got into their internal net
> and the instituion is down hard.


  The following resources may prove useful:

A list of software packages which may install MS-SQL or MSDE:
- http://www.sqlsecurity.com/forum/applicationslistgridall.aspx

A third-party scanner which can be used to locate machines on your network
which are vulnerable to the Slammer worm (must be run on a Windows
NT/2000/XP computer):
- http://www.eeye.com/html/Research/Tools/SapphireSQL.html

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