On Fri, 2003-03-07 at 11:37, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> >>>>> On 6 Mar 2003, "Jeff" == Jeff Macdonald wrote:
>   Jeff> Mike, You seem to be a mission.
> You know, I've thought and called mike a lot of things over the 
> years, but I've never considered him a mission :)

:-) Sorry Mike.

< harsh stuff deleted >

> I don't mean to sound unusually harsh, however, the idea that your 
> personal laziness is more important than being considerate to others 
> in this community I find totally intolerable.

Just because I have 'done' top posting doesn't mean I always do. And
where did I say my laziness was more important? A much kinder list
member sent me a message pointing out that list conversations follow
different guidelines then personal conversations. I was using my wife as
an example that intermingling quotes isn't that obvious to everyone. I
was making statements about top posting in general. I now realize that
perhaps I should of marked my message as [OT] to make that clearer for
some individuals that the comments in the message may not directly
correlate to the list.

Now back to my 'can a tool help'. Some mail clients warn you when you
send a message with no subject. Why not add a similar feature for top
posting? If there is a List-Id header and there's new text at the top of
the message, warn the user!

>   Please be nice, and 
> please play nicely with the other children in this sandbox.

> Thanks,
> Paul

Heed your own advice. As far as I know I haven't been kicking any sand
at anyone. :-)

Oh, your .sig is 2 lines over *guideline* recommendations (I'm referring
to your later message).


Jeff Macdonald <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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