On Thu, 20 Mar 2003, mike ledoux wrote:
> Wonderful.  A pro-war song that completely misses the point, and
> tries to connect the war we've just begin to the 9/11 attack on
> the WTC.  I'd like to believe that you posted this crap here by
> accident, and intended this for another list, but the source address
> and OT subject tag make that hard to believe.

Judging by your response, it seems you missed the main point, not him.  
Clearchannel controls what you hear on the radio, who gets what play and 
what messages are heard.  Mass media has a serious impact that can't be 
ignored - they control what everyone hears and sees.  By limiting access 
to certain content, they're not leaving the decision to you, they're 
stacking the odds in favor of their own.  

Now, I would say maybe you're just anti-off Topic... but judging by the 
first line of your reply "Wonderful.  A pro-war song that completely 
misses the point" make that hard to believe.

Whether you're anti or pro war, hearing both sides only gives you more 
information... and unless you're afraid that you're desperately wrong, 
concealing the other arguments only makes your side less believable - be 
it peacenik or warmonger.



The more man meditates upon good thoughts, the better will be his world and
the world at large. 
  ~ Confucius

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