In a message dated: 21 Mar 2003 09:58:55 EST
Kevin D. Clark said:

>> Understood, however, Mike stated he does not want OT posts, and 
>> whether an OT posts is interesting or not is technically irrellevant 
>> by Mike's standard.
>So, it is your contention that anybody who is subscribed to this list
>can send anything they want to this list so long as the include "[OT]"
>in the Subject header?

No, as Ben Scott has also often stated, we give a lot of lattitude
to what we consider "On Topic" for this list.  Basically, anything 
having to do with technology (including the politics of technology)
is usually of interest to many people on this list.

Obviously, some posts are considered *more* on topic than others.
While the strictest definition of "On Topic" for this list would 
include only that which directly relates to Linux and/or the Greater 
New Hampshire Linux User's Group, the spirit is similar to that of /.
where we pretty much permit anything which might be of interest to a 
reasonable number of subscribers to the list.

Paul's initial post, IMO, fell within these constraints, though 
marginally, hence his use of the [OT] tag in the subject line.

>So, um, how about if I start forwarding all of the spam that I get to
>the list, but with "[OT]" contained in the Subject header?  You seem
>to be saying that this would be OK.

Not at all, since I don't honestly believe there is a reasonable 
number of people subscribed to this list who are actually interested 
in seeing more spam than they already receive off this list.

>Phrase for the day:  {reductio ad absurdum}

My Phrase for the day:  Be reasonable and be nice :)

Key fingerprint = 1660 FECC 5D21 D286 F853  E808 BB07 9239 53F1 28EE

        It may look like I'm just sitting here doing nothing,
   but I'm really actively waiting for all my problems to go away.

         If you're not having fun, you're not doing it right!

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