I just took a quick look at my last boot log.

OK, I'm on SuSE 8.0, and am running 2.4.20, but I rather suspect that
maybe things are close enough...

Right BEFORE the '<6>Freeing unused kernel memory: 88k freed'
message, I see "<4>VFS: Mounted root (ext2 filesystem) readonly'
and right AFTER the 'Freeing' message, I see:
"<6>Adding Swap: 1052216k swap-space (priority 42)"

Is it possible that Charlie lost his swap disk or that something else
in that string of initiations went thump?

Given the stories that I've seen in the last couple of days about a
possible massive recall of 30 and 40GB drives that were Made In
China for 3 of the major disk drive vendors, it makes me a tad suspicious.

Anyway, HTH,


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