Dynamically like how/when?  How does the data get in the database?

It's fairly easy to have a perl script read a MySQL database and then
output a properly delimited apache .conf file with the apppropriate
virtual server tags in it.  Then you'd have to hup the httpd for the
changes to take effect.

Is that what you're looking for?  Or do you want something more

On Tue, 2003-06-03 at 15:35, Cole Tuininga wrote:
> Hi all - looking for some input with something I'm trying to do with
> apache.  
> The functionality I'm looking for is to be able to configure virtual
> hosts from apache dynamically ... from data in a database (probably
> MySQL).  
> I took a look through http://modules.apache.org but all I found were
> some things for doing dynamic vhosts based off the filesystem.  
> Anybody have thoughts/pointers/suggestions?  Thanks in advance!

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