On Mon, Jun 09, 2003 at 03:01:37PM -0400, Erik Price wrote:
> Michael O'Donnell wrote:
> >I think this is just a clumsy attempt to ban certain
> >anti-social behaviors displayed in certain chat
> >settings, but I definitely did a double-take when I
> >first saw it...       (this from a discussion about
> >RCN on another list, BTW - I'm not an RCN customer)
> That just brought back some memories, Michael.
> Yep, I think this term originally comes from AOL.  When I was a yoot 
> (1994) I had a macro that would post random comments* into the current 
> chat room and was sometimes accused of "scrolling" by the 
> TOS-advisors**.  Back then it was five bucks an hour to use AOL at 
> night, and ten bucks an hour during the day!!!
Bah.  Back when I was my age (1989), you had to get your DNS information
the old fashioned way - download it!

Combine that with a UNIX-newbie who left +w on their tty logged in
via 2400bps and you had some real fun.

> * My favorite was "Get right on down to Reno's for your radiation-free 
> reindeer steaks!  Hurry, while stocks last!"  (An extra life and 10,000 
> bonus points awarded to whoever knows what movie this line is from.)

The best google could give me was a reference to Joe Bob Briggs.  Man
do I miss that show.


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