AFAICT, today's opening is for customers WEST of the Mississippi, and that
us Easterners will have to wait a bit.

BUT, it should be borne in mind that the FCC's Form 475, available at:

What's been lost in the hoopla is the fact that the TCPA is still in force,
and that there are specific circumstances that can precipitate a complaint
against a telemarketer - e.g., calling a cell phone number, calling and
leaving an automated message, calling with an automated message, etc. -
which will attract a $10k fine AND permit the victim to sue in local court
for damages. This system has been available for quite a while, and I've
noticed that some of the callers got very uncomfortable when I mentioned it.
And, it's resulted in a significant reduction in unwanted calls.

Obviously, YMMV.


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