On Tue, 1 Jul 2003, "Erik" == Erik Price wrote:

  Erik> dt { float: left; margin: 3em }
  Erik> dd { margin: 5em; }


Thanks, I'm obviously just learning the CSS thing, and it didn't occur to me to re-define the dt/dd tags :)

Except, unfortunately, the above example doesn't render as I had intended (at least not in Mozilla 1.3). But perhaps you can play with some positioning to get it.

Damn it, the whole point of CSS is to make things easier for the designer, and this seems like such a *simple* use case -- but I can't find any resources explaining how to do it!

Btw, what the 3/5em?

Well, I was just thinking that your term might not be wider than 2em, ems being the height of a capital M in whatever the current font/fontsize is, so this would put your term at 3em from the left and your definition at 5em from the left... sort of. It was a quickie.


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