>>>>> On Tue, 23 Sep 2003, "Jerry" == Jerry Feldman wrote:

  Jerry> First, try to see if you can access your cable modem at

I found this IP on the web somewhere after googling around.  The 
question I have is this, how can I access a network for which I have 
no route?

IOW, I have 2 nics, one on my internal LAN, and one for connecting to 
the CM. The 'external' NIC is obviously unconfigured, since it's 
supposed to be configured using DHCP, which isn't working.

And yes, I've tried manually configuring that NIC to be on the 
192.168.100/24 subnet, and that didn't seem to work.
(I'm also *very* disappointed that there's no serial port on these 
modems, though, ironically, on my "Digital Cable" set-top box there 
is?! :)

I'm beginning to hate ComCast already, and I haven't even *used* 
their stuff yet :) (and I thought DSL was the only technology that 
had install horror-stories :)

Thanks, I'll try the website :)

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