Hello All,

I was just curious if anyone has had any success with writing a proposal for their company to increase the use of Linux.

I'm really interested in seeing what approached have worked and what management thought. (And yes, I have read the Advocacy HowTo.)

A recent announcement at the company I work for that they will be moving to a .NET base got me nervous. I work in tech supportr and I have to support this. Anything I can do to move to a more easily supported architecture would be much better. I was thinking of proposing a custom Linux install with our software integrated... Something easy for the end-user like SuSE, Mandrake, or RedHat. (I like Mandrake for itiots as end users, myself. All it would really need is Apache, Perl, and mySQL. Webmin makes things easy for the end user...) But aside from the details of what I am trying to do, I'm really intersted in seeing proposals that have workd in similar situations.

Anyone have any that have worked?

Thaks in advance,


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