Jon maddog Hall wrote:


"All the Mozilla that is fit to print".

In lieu of news, how about a "hints and kinks" corner?

I know you probably meant a *Linux* hints and tips, but a Mozilla one would be nice, too.

Personally I use Mozilla on all my computers and when I install it there are a few additional components I usually add to it such as the Calendar module and AdBlock. It would be nice to see links to "Additional Components and Features" on the front page.

Good things might be localized versions/language packs, themes, major components (like the calendar), minor enhancements (AdBlock, Blog plugins), etc.

Another feature it took me loads of digging to find is that Mozilla does in fact still have Palm conduits for M$ Windows in the CVS tree. It seems that entire feature (Palm sync in general) has been brushed to the wayside as the developers consider it bloat. Great, but what about an .XPI as an optional component?

Don't get me wrong... I love Mozilla... but its still far from perfect for the non-geek end-user.


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