We can simply deduce that 22% of persons over the age of 18 voted yesterday in NH. If NH is the "Live Free or Die" state, I guess 78% would rather let Democracy die than cast a ballot for President of the United States "The Greatest Democracy in the World".

But we're a republic, not a democracy. If we were a democracy Gore would be president.

Your numbers also suppose that everyone *should* vote in a primary. I'm not convinced of that, for several reasons.

First, there are more than two political parties, despite what the Republicrats and the Demopublicans think. Second, I can't fathom the logic of why a Republican should vote in a Democratic primary or vice versa. There's been several instances around the country where one party with an in-office, sure-thing candidate organizes its people to go vote in the other party's primary for the weakest primary candidate, just to try to create an uneven race in the real election.

But hey, that's just me. I also can't figure out why my tax dollars are going to pay for the primaries of just these two private political parties -- in my warped worldview, tax money should pay for the primaries of all parties or none.

 Regards, | There are 10 kinds of people in the world:
 .        | those who get binary, and those who don't.
 Randy    |

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