In a message dated: Sat, 07 Feb 2004 09:33:19 EST
Erik Price said:

>Here's the Java implementation.

Very cool!  Thanks!

> Java requires even more verbosity.

This is my general impression of Java.  Is the verbosity a good thing 
or not?  It seems verbose to the point of redundancy.  Is this 
helpful, or does it just get in the way?

>It took longer to write, even though I had already 
>prototyped the design in Python (the two designs are nearly identical), 

Was it just the verbosity of Java which made it take so long?

>and IMHO would also be more work to modify/extend.  That said, if 
>handed a several million-line application written by some other 
>development team, I would rather the application be written in Java 
>than Python.

Why?  Performance, cleaner code, more robust language?  What makes 
Java better than Python for some things?  What types of things is
Java best at?

>import java.util.Arrays;
>import java.util.Iterator;
>import java.util.List;
>import java.util.SortedSet;
>import java.util.TreeSet;

This almost seems rediculous :)  9 library imports, it seems that 
some should be so commonly used that they'd just be built-in
or at least combined into something like stdio.

Thanks a bunch.  Part of trouble with learning languages is the lack 
of "real world" applications to try them out with.  One reason I know 
perl so well is because the language is designed to do exactly what I 
do all the time; text munging.  Something C and Java aren't 
especially efficient at it seems :)


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        It may look like I'm just sitting here doing nothing,
   but I'm really actively waiting for all my problems to go away.

         If you're not having fun, you're not doing it right!

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