--- [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> This is the kind of stuff that I don't like, and I realize that he's
> probably being sarcastic. But really, what is so "evil" about MS coming up
> with something that businesses want and deliver it on a platform that
> works. One of the HUGE reasons that a lot of business won't move off MS is
> because of this. Managers LOVE pretty shared Outlook/Exchange calendars.

Because interoperability with other software/platforms is intentionally and
unnecessarily limited in an attempt to force non-MS users into using Microsoft

Instead of building software that allows users to interact with others, they develop
software that intentionally keeps others out.  It works for them.  It has made them
money.  That I have no problem with.  I'm a capitalist after all.  

But people in general tend to select products that *give* them options, not take
them away.  In any other market this is the case.  That people's choices in this
market have been predatorially eliminated is counterproductive and wrong.  Is evil a
strong word?  Yes.  But I very strongly disagree with their practices.

My $0.02.


"The power of accurate observation is commonly called cynicism by those who have not 
got it"
-George Bernard Shaw

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