On Thu, Feb 26, 2004 at 06:33:22AM -0800, Michael Costolo wrote:
> > > But you already proved this to be wrong at the library.  It doesn't
> > > matter that they *thought* they were using MS Word.  They weren't.
> > > And they had no complaints.  
> > 
> > A single example of anything is not a basis for a theorem or a law.
> > Just because one specific case can be solved with a solution that
> > seems identical does not mean they all can, and in fact the vast
> > majority can not.
> Well, I don't think anyone claimed a theorem or law here.  Certainly
> not me.  And supporting one's claims with evidence is generally
> considered to be necesary to be convincing.  

Yeah, that's exactly my point: it's not convincing at all.  Mozilla is
an application that looks and acts enough like its MS counterpart to
be passed off as IE to the uninitiated.  OO is another.  Evolution
makes 3.  XMMS is 4.  Maybe, maybe gnucalc passes as a fifth, though I
don't think so.  Beyond that though, you'll be hard pressed to find
look-and-work-alike replacements for Windows software (barring actual
Linux ports, and even then)...  So, in essentially all other cases,
people who want to use what they're used to will not be satisfied with
a Linux replacement.  Last time I checked, Windows had a lot more than
4 titles which had no Linux port...

Derek D. Martin
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