Tom Buskey said:

> Installing from source is a PITA.  There are RPMs out there w/ mplayer +
> various CODECs (including quicktime).  You need to install 4-6 rpms.  They
> work well on Mandrake atleast.

Doh!  I finally get what PITA is.

"/me blushes"

[Re:  MPlayer source]

I had always understood that in order to have MPlayer operate maximally, one
needed to install from source from the machine on which it will be use.  Also
that the preferred version of the source to use is alway CVS (or the "current"
snapshot).  With this in mind, I have always done this with quite a bit of
success, managing to force machines-of-minmal-power to play movies against
their will.  However, I will admit that initial attempts required a great bit
of reading to get it right, but the configuration defaults usually work
anyway.  It seems to me now that MPlayer is a whole lot easier to install from
source than it was.  The configuration is more simple and seems to find most
libs and codecs without quite as much coaxing.  The same seems true for
general useage as well.  I still think too, that the CVS result is better than
the *-pre3 source, though I am still using the *-pre3 and have not yet
reverted to the CVS snapshot.

Caveat:  I do not use it for anything demanding because of my hardware
limitations (ie., I do not even have a writeable CDRom drive or DVD player or
TV card for my computer).

What *is* really giving me fits right now is the mplayerplug-in for the
browser.  It is totally changed (since the requirement of pkgconfig), and I
can not make it work yet.  There are new source releases though, which I have
not yet tried.

"Don't panic!"

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