Buying Libranet gets you real Free Software, not the Creeping Proprietary
which has made RH, and others, increasingly unworkable.  Your interest may
vary, but Creeping Proprietary seems to have been an underlying thread here.
CP was the primary reason I decided to dump RH.  (I discovered afterward that
RPM Pain was a sufficient second.)

Please explain "Creeping Proprietary"?

And I have to admit that RPMs were a pain until I installed apt from apt-get on Redhat rocks.

C.  Libranet is easy to keep up to date.  I am no Debian guru, but Synaptic
and apt-get have made it a piece of cake.  Dependency Hell is a thing of
the past.  (Do stay away from dist-upgrade once you mix in from Testing and

Doesn't not having dist-upgrade remove one of the best things about apt?

I don't know of anyone who has tried Libranet who has reported unfavorably.
There have been many _glowing_ reports, including some on this list.

I tried Libranet when it first came out and wasn't very impressed. But I am so used to RH that I will admit that at the time I was biased.. (Ben Scott will get this) I found Libranet like Debian but without the Debian.

I did install a box with the new Sarge installer and that was fantastic.. I didn't actually use the box much once it was installed, but the installer is GREAT.
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